Condolence book open for Roger Clarke

A condolence book was this morning opened at the St. Elizabeth parish council for the late Agriculture Minister Hon. Roger Clarke.

Mayor of Black River Everton Fisher was the first to ink his name into the condolence book; he was followered by councillor for the Junction division, Cetany Holness, Layton smith of the Myersville division and councillor for the New Market division Cyril Martin.

Residents of St. Elizabeth, farmers and colleagues of Mr. Clarke can visit the office on the Parish Council from 9: am to 5: pm on week days to sign the book.

Minister Clarke died last week Thursday (August 28) in Florida United State as he was preparing to return home to Jamaica.

He will be accorded an Official Funeral service which will be held on Saturday September 13 in his home town of Westmoreland. The funeral service will take place at the St. George’s Anglican Church in Savann-la-mar, Westmoreland, starting at 10: 30