Roads and Works Department

The department of Roads and Works (Technical Services has the responsibility of supervision all works in connection with the maintenance and repair of parochial roads according to the provisions of the Parochial Roads Act; the examination of applications for development of lands under the Local Improvement Act, the Town and Country Planning Act and the Town and Country Planning (Clarendon Parish Council) Development Order. Also, the processing of applications for building permits for the erection, alteration and repair of buildings in accordance with the Parish Council’s Building Act and the maintenance of public sanitary conveniences in accordance with the Public Health Act

The provision under this section is to provide a fit and proper place in which bodies’ intern; to lay out and embellish the grounds; to properly maintain the cemetery building(s) and compound. 

This section of the department, supervises the maintenance of minor water supplies in the parish. These include all wayside steel tanks, public catchment tanks, entombed springs and some standpipes. Minor water supplies also spearhead the trucking of water throughout the Parish.

Public Amenities a section of the Roads and Works department is responsible for the proper maintenance of all public sanitary conveniences, abattoirs, markets, infirmary, cemeteries and all buildings owned by the parish council under the Public Health Act. Maintenance of all parks, median strips and green verges are  under the responsibility of the Parish Council 

  • The Chief Technical Officer and advisor to the Parish Council in relation to parochial roads and works.
  • Reports to the Council regarding the works, repairs or alterations required to be done on any of the roads, buildings or works of the parish
    • Examining and reviewing development plans and subdivision plans and submit to council with appropriate recommendations.
    • Supervising the implementation of subdivision schemes and the detection of breaches of the town and country planning and local improvement acts relating to unauthorized Ensuring continued observances and operations of several critical pieces of legislation.
    • The Local Improvement Act (Land Subdivision)
    • Parish Council Building Act
    • The Pound Act
    • Public Cemetery Management And Regulation Act
    • Road Protection Act
    • Town And Country Planning Act
    • Town And Communities Act
    • Town Nuisances Prevention Act
    • Keeping Of Animals Act
    • Developments.
    • Quarries Act
    • Registration(Strata Titles) Act
    • Water Supply Act
    • Parish Water Supply Act
    • Registration Of Titles Act
    • Burial Within The Town Limit Act
    • Parish (Abandoned Cemetery) Act
    • Fire Brigade Act
    • Road Traffic Act
    • Poor Relief Act
    • Public Health Act
    • Facilities For Title Act

Standard Operational Procedure

  • Councillors should put request in writing through the Secretary Manager
  • Request is forwarded to Superintendent for his action
  • Requisite inspection is carried out and appropriate bill of quantities and or reports are prepared as required by respective officer assigned.


Kenneth Brown Chief Engineering Officer of Roads and Works
Kevin Dunkley Deputy Superintendent of Road & Works
Oneil Wright Building Officer
Kadron Dixon Building Officer Dornell Steadman
Cheldon Ebanks Assistant Superintendent Roads and Works
Dornell Steadman Assistant Superintendent Roads and Works
Norman Davis Works Overseer
Jeffery Lee Works Overseer
Tresa Montaque-Holness Works Overseer
Sancha Myers Secretary