The St. Elizabeth Infirmary is a Department of the St. Elizabeth Municipal Corporation governs by the Board of Supervision and the Poor Relief Act and funded by the Government of Jamaica along with contributions in cash and kind from NGO’s, Service Clubs, Churches and private individuals. It is home to the destitute, less fortunate and those abandon by their relatives.
It is managed by a Matron and Assistant Matron, it is over 100 years old consist of a male and female ward and situated on Institution Drive, Santa Cruz (Bypass Road).
The persons in the infirmary are provided for in a home style situation where all their needs are met such as; domestic, personal, social, medical care and medications 3 balance meals per day and 24 hours care provided by trained Practical Nurses / Health Care Assistants.
Persons are admitted through the Poor Relief Officers at the Municipal Corporation Poor Relief Office Headed by the Inspector of Poor.
Tel: (876) 966-2276